New Song on Mandolin

This song was inspired by my four year old, who on a windy day, I joked with that he might blow away. I recently started learning mandolin and since the song is a simple three chords, decided to give it a whirl on my new instrument. It's not perfect, but I'm showing my brushstrokes, so to speak. Hope you enjoy!

New Music!

A couple weeks ago, the family and I went down to Maryland for a memorial service. The service was for the mother of one of my good friends. We got to know her when they lived near us for a few years, and our kids also became best friends. Grandma Linda was everyone's mom, grandma, friend. She treated everyone like family and loved unconditionally. We were lucky to have been in  her embrace. 

The day itself was beautiful. It was full of joy, tears, and lots of dancing! A true celebration of a wonderful life. 

I wrote this song several weeks ago, and wanted to make a video for it. This trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to share the song and the memories and dedicate them to Grandma Linda. Hope you enjoy! Head on over to the YouTube Channel to like, subscribe, and comment.